Beach Day

Since Levi is getting bigger he is now coming along on the family outings that he normally would stay home for. I firmly believe a well rested baby makes for a happy family and since all of our outings go over part or all of his nap, we usually leave him home sleeping. (there's an adult there too!)

This beach day was one of our first out all together as a family. I frequently turn to Patrick and say "Woah, we have 4 boys!" Usually I say it at a time when I'm surprised at how fast life as a family has come to us. Sometimes it's said when they are screaming or being crazy, but I always say it when they are all in my line of sight at the same time. Like this:
 "Woah.... we have 4 boys!!"

One is a crazy boy with red curls. He loves sticks! Oh, how many tantrums has he thrown over a measly little stick! He uses them mostly as pretend weapons. *sigh* what is a mom to do?
 The baby of the family is in love with Oreos. Like his older brother, many a tantrum has been thrown over these magical chocolate cookies. He could eat them by the bowlful if we would let him. He's constipated a fair amount of the time because of them and he is easily swayed at the sight of them. As you can see, he is covered in Oreo dust. It sticks to his sweaty body.
 Even though I gave birth to 4 boys, I actually have 5. This one, thank goodness, throws very few tantrums. Patrick spent most of our outing unraveling these little chinese kites. They were a mess and the tails were falling apart as well. We had woken up this Saturday to a ton of wind at our condo and were so excited to finally try our kites, but when we got to the beach we quickly realized it was only a Bayshore anomaly. Not one stitch of wind at the beach!! At one point we got a pretty good gust.. which is where this photo came from.

 The rest of the time we had to run to get them to stay up.
 Our first born boy is a good big brother. All over all is a loving and helpful kid.
 This last boy is our creator, wanderer, philosopher. Every family has one, right? He walked around the beach. Taking in the sand, the water, clouds and pondered by himself. He had no desire to even touch a kite. He just did his own thing.

 Here they all are in their respective spheres. Levi's even eating his cookies! It was a nice day but hot and sweaty. The heat here is always surprising! We had fun, but tt wasn't perfect. Not the way these pictures make it out to be. There was plenty of crying and whining. And not just reserved to the kids. We had a fight or two and struggled to get everyone home. Usually we spend way too much time out and forget how much energy it takes to get back. Usually it requires carrying of multiple children on your back and all their toys. But regardless, its our family and we are here together having as much fun as we can!
"Woah!! We have 4 (or 5?) boys!"


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