Christmas 2012

Yay for Christmas!!! (boo for late documentation!!)

Christmas Eve night I found Kai sitting on the couch in the middle of stockings and presents just looking around with a glazed eye. He had wandered out and found something unexpected! I ushered him back to bed for a few more hours of shut eye until all the boys were awake and ready. Of course Kai found his way back out and picked up some cars (from Grandma S) out of his stocking and brought it back for all to see. 
 On of my favorite gifts from  my own grandmother growing up was a huge box of Froot Loops. Being in a family of 7 kids, we never did get sugary cereal (not until a few of those kids moved out!) and so Grandma Sessions always made us happy by giving us each our own box. We would write our names on it in marker and savor every last loop. So when both Grandma's asked me this year what they could get the boys, I didn't have to think very hard. FROOT LOOPS!! Especially since a box of cereal here tips the price scale at 6$ and up. And that is only for a little box that my boys can eat in one meal. So both Grandma's sent the BIG-JUMBO sized boxes and the kids were in heaven. All Levi ate Christmas day was Froot Loops and M n' M's. Christmas Sugar Rush.

 Kai has been really loving the Lego guys lately. It's enough to put us all in the grave since his favorite part is taking the guys apart and losing all the pieces and then crying really hard because he can't find any of his guys! It's really annoying. But when he has all the parts and is playing nicely, its really fun to watch. So that's why he got a slew of them for Christmas. I even have a few extra packs of guys in the closet just in case we have a serious meltdown come June or July. Hopefully we can make it that long!
 About 2 weeks before Christmas, Cache was adamant about getting a Ben-10 watch. It turned out to be the cheapest gift we got him. Wish I would have known that in October when I started my shopping. I would have put everything else back! Noni L. really loaded him up with arts and crafts stuff this year so he has been so content. In fact, I haven't seen that Ben-10 watch since, but I do see him doing a craft everyday. So I guess, even Cache doesn't know what he really likes.
 And last but not least.... what do you get an 8 year old?? Is there any wonder? He now has almost every Ninjgo set made. They are pretty cool, if I do say so myself. I wish there was something else that he wanted, but it was mostly Lego. Ronin enjoyed his cereal as well and got a soccer ball from Grandma S. and loads of books from Grandma L. He was pretty happy, as you can see.
Here is a shot of the top of our fridge. Loaded up with Froot Loop boxes. Those boxes are loooong gone, but I love this picture to remember our time in Singapore and how happy we all were just to have cereal for Christmas.
It's been a doosie of a year for us here. But decorating for Christmas, listening to holiday music, going to see the lights and enjoying time together as a family, really helped us enjoy our first Christmas away from home. We didn't have any snow, and we never did see Santa Claus, but I felt more Christmas spirit than I have in a while. My guess is that my heart is still tender because of all the changes in this past year and it helped me savor all that I could: The birth of my Savior as a little babe in a manger; His sweet and loyal parents who sacrificed all to bring him up in the world, and the knowledge that because of Him, I can be here, enjoying the trials and joys this earthly life brings, really made me humbled and happy to celebrate this special time of year.


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