Singapore Snow!

One of the holiday activities here is to go to Tanglin Mall and watch it snow. Now does it really snow? Of course not, but there are enough bubbles being pumped into the air, that it actually does look like snow. The best part is you can wear your swimming suits instead!
 We met Patrick after work for dinner and took so long stuck in traffic that we got there 5 minutes before it ended. Thank goodness it was still long enough to see it in action, and to rub it all over ourselves.
 See, didn't I tell you it looked like real snow? So fun!
 The boy kept trying to make themselves Santa Claus beards. Little Kai was running around in a diaper and red sneakers. So cute.

 Afterward we took a walk down Orchard to check out the lights. The entire time the big boys were screaming, dancing, falling, kicking, karate chopping and taking video of themselves doing it. It was entertaining and then frustrating and then embarrassing and then I just didn't care any more.

Here is a picture of "the family" minus the boys who were running around so wild that they refused to be reigned in.
 Here is a picture of them hugging. Aaaaahhh... this was just two seconds before Ronin pulled them all to the ground, Kai sat on Cache and someone hit their head. I think it was Cache who came out crying. Sigh. 
 As long as we walked ahead of them, we got to enjoy some lights without too much interruption. I know the kids had fun, but whew, they were so crazy! I wonder if they will even remember it? Most of the time we are excited to do things as a family and then mid-way through it realize that maybe the kids don't even care. They would have been happy punching each other in our living room and we wouldn't have had to worry about them running into the street. I guess you just can't win sometimes! But its Christmas, so darn it, we are going to enjoy it!


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