Ode to Baby

There is not a day that goes by where my heart doesn't near burst with love for this little guy. He's just so cute, its hard to stand. My phone is loaded with pictures that are too cute not to share. Hense, this post...

He is in love with the swings. I would think you could say that about any kid, but after having 4, I realize this is not a blanket statement and that Levi does in fact, love the swings.

 Baby is surrounded by big boys, so he thinks he is one too.
 He loves to try everything they do. He is moving much too fast, but he's so cute, you can't really stop him.

 He is pure baby chubs in all his naked glory. Why would you want to cover this baby with a shirt!?

 Conquering the skateboard

 More fun on the swings

 And of course his true love, food.

Baby Leeves, is 14 months old. He has sweet curly blonde hair and gorgeous deep brown eyes. He loves to laugh, ride in his stroller, eat and play. He is the love of each of our lives. Cache said he wishes baby would stay this age forever because he is just so cute. He said he wanted to take a picture so we could remember how cute he was. He is indeed cute and now we have a post about it, so none of us will forget. We love you baby!


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