Ronin Catch-Up

It's the same ol' for Ronin. He spends most of his time in his p.j's and he has been having a lot of fun exploring his new house. The house he says he picked out. 
He woke up with his hair like this the other day...
It's now been stuck like this for 4 days and I don't expect tomorrow to be any different. I guess you could say a bath is in order. Will try to squeeze one in tomorrow...

Ronin has been so helpful with getting things organized. He folds laundry, sweeps, hauls things from room to room and doesn't complaining about it much. I made the mistake of mentioning to a friend that he hasn't been in time-out since we have arrived. Of course I cursed myself since he has now been in time-out for the last two days straight (or so it seems). I guess nothing good lasts forever.


Natasha said…
Oh, good ole Ronin! I can't believe his hair has been that way for 4 days! I say let it go and see how long it lasts!
Beth said…
He is little Patrick in this picture!

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