The Kitchen

Here is day two of moving in. Can you tell?? Look at all that crap!!! 
This is the kitchen, looking out to the front yard. And our baby Cache in his flannel jammies. It's so cold here, we just can't wear anything else. No more radiators of the city.

A few things I love about our new place.
1. The dishwasher. Come on, do I need to elaborate?
2. The laundry room in the garage that smells of detergent and dust. The great strip of new carpet found in the closet that fits perfectly in front of the washer/dryer so my feet don't get cold.
3. Learning to conserve more. From water, to heat and electricity. We are trying to be more conscious because this time the building is NOT paying for it!
4. The beautiful landscape. Its breathtaking here. Nothing like the scrawny trees we had lining our street in Queens. Just Big, Beautiful and Bold trees. Just like we like it.
5. The light streaming in every window in the morning. I think I just might become a morning person living here.
6. The wild life all around. We have many birds and also squirrels. Hopefully they don't carry horrible diseases and go crazy like city squirrels. Hopefully they just have "regular rodent diseases." That's the way we like to roll here.

Things that will take some getting used to:
1. No bars on the windows. I remember moving to the city and feeling nervous because there were so many barred windows, everywhere. A sure indication to me that there were dangerous people lurking about. Now without bars I think, "Anyone can break into this house and kill me!" Of course with all the trees I feel they are lurking about. Watching through the window. Waiting. This is really going to take some getting used to. I hope soon I stop jumping at each new sound.
2. The big grocery store. Don't get me wrong. I love it! The big isles, the large selection, but it does make me feel a bit... spoiled.
3. The cheaper prices. Oh who am I kidding? This won't take me long to get used to it, I'm just surprised by it each time. NYC really is expensive!!
4. The feeling that I am living someone else's life. This is way too good to be true.


Heather said…
Yeah, a big grocery store with normal non-rotting fruit, milk that has been refrigerated properly and meat that isn't a weird color? That really must suck! haha. Your house looks so adorable. When is the housewarming party so we can check it out???

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