Family Photo Shoot

A week ago or so, we had a photo shoot. We wanted some pictures of us in our last days as a family in Queens. It was really a friends idea, so we can't take credit for genius, or cool factor. They picked the perfect location. Quintessential Queens. The World Globe in Flushing Meadow Park. This is how it went most of the time. It's the best depiction of us, and appropriately not pretty to look at.
The kids were less than enthused.

I wanted to put this picture in so you could see who is related to whom. Hmmm. I wonder.  (please don't judge me by my grammar).Here's a good one, except we are one short. Cache didn't have a nap that day so he was somewhere having a tantrum. This is old-school Larsen Family. Awww, nostalgia.

The wonderful Patrick. I love how you can see his wedding ring. I'm pretty sure that's a lame girly thing to say, but I don't mind being lame 'cause I love this man.

The boys showing their true sweet colors AND their mop tops.  They were really cute as they screamed candyyyyyyy for at least a minute without stopping.

And last but not least, the very best family picture we got of the day. Sheesh, that's sad. What a bunch of crazies... 


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