Spring Picnic
The day started out easy enough, if a little on the slow side. By the time I pulled my act together it was getting a bit late in the morning and we had decided to hit the library and then the park. Somewhere in all that we decided to take a picnic too. So by the time we got to the library it was lunch time and also nap time. Cache had a complete come-apart in front of all the librarians and had to be escorted out (by me.) Next stop was the store for bananas which I completely nixed given the emotional vibe of the day. SO we finally made it to the park and as we are pulling in Ronin informs me he has to go to the bathroom.... Of course the park has no facilities so I decide to head straight home (which isn't too far from the park).
Of course Cache falls asleep by the time we arrive and so I decide to cancel the park altogether and put Cache down and have a picnic on the deck. SO that is what we did.
After crying tears over the park, Ronin actually ended up having a good time until we had to go in. Then we made some banana bread and checked out our new stuff from the library. Thankfully today has been salvaged. And the boys are happy. Whew! That was a close one.