Snow Day

Patrick was home today so we spent the time outside playing in all our new snow. Here is a quick look at the front of the house for those of you who have not seen it. This was the only time Cache was outside, and it didn't last long. Poor boy is still pukey.
I love the look on both of these faces. They are identical. All boy and All mischief. What's a girl to do???
Patrick is trying hard to get his snowball to stick. We were supposed to make a snowman but the snow is still too powdery.
The precious snowball that finally stayed together
I actually heard myself say "Please don't throw those at my windows!" I am turning into my mother. And for the record, Patrick was the first one to hit the window and Ronin followed suit. Cache was adamant about NOT going outside. So we sat in the kitchen to watch the action. He really must be sick.
Perfecting the first ever Ronin Snow Angel.
The perfect image of masculine domesticity. If there is such a thing. The snow blower rocks, although I must say it didn't do any better job than me and my rake. It just went a bit faster. Ronin of course loves every second spent with dad. All in all, such a great day. We shopped for Christmas dinner and prepared ourselves for my parents who arrive tomorrow. We are so excited to be having our first Christmas at home and having our loved ones come to share it with us.


Heather said…
Your house is a Christmas card photo. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. We also had the Christmas pukeys. Blah!
See you soon (PS. my Christmas present from Jed is beginners sewing classes!!!)

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