Monday Morning at the Bayshore

*Sigh* there is a very large gap in time from the last post to this post. Something I hope to remedy soon. I have a ton of pictures sitting waiting to be used. But you know, between FB, and blogs and Instagram and regular life, I just can't keep track of it all. It is making me crazy to say the least!

So to streamline myself, and stick to the original reason I even use social media (to stay connected and document for posterity!) I am going to only post on the blog and then link to FB when I feel like it. And Instagram? Well, that can just sit there until I am good and ready. Which may be never. And  Really, Instagram is only on my phone so I can keep track of certain people, not so they can keep track of me.

Anyway, this is a brief catch up post full of pictures of regular life. We still live here in Singapore, at the Bayshore (and will until we leave) and we all like it just fine. Today was a Monday. Now my favourite mondays are ones that have NO agenda. No meeting times or pick up times or any other times in-between. I like to see what the day brings and take 'er easy. So that is what we did today and of course, as predicted, it shaped up nicely. 

The boys were ready to go downstairs by 8:00am, which is considered early morning to most Singaporeans, so I managed to hold them off for over an hour. I chalk that up to good procrastination skills and plenty of momming years under the 'ol belt. We were down to the pool with toys, swim gear and snacks and enjoying ourselves by the time 10am hit. Now its August, so the heat is starting to wane juuuuust a bit. If you can call it that. It's still freaking hot here for most people, but there is a breeze that makes getting in and out of the pool only a bit chilly. Thank heaven for that pounding sun that melted our chocolate almonds and oil pastels like they were one in the same. We still came home with new freckles from the sun kissing our shoulders.

The general buzz around The Bayshore on a Monday is all work work work. The aunties are busy cleaning all the floors and bathrooms because the weekend created a mess from these Singaporeans who are "so clean!" as the country likes to boast. I haven't found this place to be clean at all. All I have found is a bunch of litter-bugs who get bailed out each day by foreign workers who get paid to clean up their crap. But that's another LONG post for another day.

Today was palm tree cutting day. The little boys got a kick out of that. And the foreign workers got a kick out of them. Especially Kai who's red curly hair is such an anomaly to them. They can't stop staring at them both. A cherry picker and a chainsaw, is all these guys need. No head gear or goggles. Just guts and grit to get the job done. I kept getting worried he was going to wield that chainsaw right into his cherry picker, because he was throwing it around with a vengeance.

The great thing about living in a condo is the instant social life. Our best friend just happened to be walking by the pool at the same time we were enjoying it and so an instant "playdate" was born. This is the way is supposed to be people! None of this calling first and putting it on the calendar two weeks in advance. This was just spontaneous playing with a friend we love. And that made us all very happy.

It turned into a picnic of epic proportions! We had left over tacos (thanks friend!) with drinks, chips even sour cream and cheese (which was unrecognisable from the sun by the time we were through).

We stayed all afternoon until we just couldn't stand it anymore. This is Levi's 'happy face'. He likes to pull it out to show me when it seems like I might take him home to nap. He says, "Look mom! I happy face! I no need nap!" Well today's happy face was so abysmal, I had to take a picture to show him what it looked like. He gave a little giggle like he knew it wasn't cutting it.  I took him straight home to nap for a bit before continuing our playtime down at a friends house.

Once the big boys came home from school and homework was finished and things were shuffled, we had some friends come up to our house. It was all play play play today and it turned out great.

Somewhere in the afternoon however, the sneezing started and I now have a full blown cold... Which is the pits. My face is itchy and I am so agitated that I had to shut all the windows and turn on the aircon (AC for all you American folk).  There is something about being itchy, sneezy and heavy headed that makes the Singapore heat feel like it will break you. I am pretty sure I let out a scream or two while clawing at my face while snot dripped on my toes... but that's not a purdy sight, now is it?

And nw I have taken some medicine and am feeling nice and fuzzy, and ready for sleep. I look forward to tomorrow. A bit more structured than today, which will be fine but I will have happy memories of our lazy Monday's by the pool and playing until we just can't play no mo...


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