Botanical Gardens

I got a bee in my bonnet and decided we weren't seeing enough of Singapore and we had to get out!
I threw some kids into a cab and headed to the Botanical Gardens with some friends.

I even decided to pull Cache out of school so he could have more time with Mom.

I think they had fun. They ran around and played, but getting there and back in a cab took SO very very long. And their patience was tried.

And of course it was hot and sweaty the entire time. Cache has officially grown up because his attention span for this place was quickly spent. He has outgrown the exhibits and garden areas, which was sad to me. He's a big kid now!
But it was perfect for the little ones. They had a great time playing in the sand, on the slides and in the water. We made it home before any big tantrums started (incidentally, it was CACHE who was the first one to tantrum, right as we pulled in)
Next time I think I will just take them downstairs to the pool. Same great friends and fun but less money and sweat is spent. And mom stays a little more sane. All in all a pretty good trade, I think.


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