Saturday's Beach Trip

Analyn and I braved the heat and 4 boys and went to the beach without Patrick this past weekend. It looks like we had loads of fun by the pictures but we were only gone for 2 hours and had to get home because we quickly fell apart. Babies were tired and we all were sweating like crazy. It was a full 2 hours though. Baby Levi loves the sand and didn't even try to eat it, which was surprising. The boys and I had races and sand games. We explored the rock breakers and marveled at the sky.
I think the boys favorite part was snack time. Such a simple thing but from the second we arrived they started asking where the food was even though we had just eaten breakfast. So when we finally did break out the granola bars they were happy as can be. Cache did a lot of whining about how tired he was and that he couldn't walk any longer. We did walk quite a ways so I can't say I blame him, but by the time we got home all the other plans for the day quickly went south. We were all too tired and whiney. The heat here just takes it out of you! We all had quiet time and the big boys played legos, read books and watched movies and we had a quick swim with some friends. It was a fun Saturday even with daddy gone, although he was missed terribly. The beach is not the same without him!


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