Crazy Two Year Old

We love our 'baby Kai' even though he is hardly a baby anymore. He does still refer to himself as 'baby' though. This kid is smart and funny! He loves to tease his brothers but is also quick with a hugs and affection. He really loves being one of the boys. Usually if I am taking the older boys out to do something he is furious if he doesn't get to come. He wants to be big and he wants it right now!

Kai is in love with motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses... anything with wheels. He has a pile of wheeled toys that he plays with and at night he sits and watches the road out the window as the cars drive through the streets below. We say good night to each one and he is more content to go to bed when he has seen at least 3 motorcycles. We yell it out each time one passes. Kai is sweet and so much fun to have around. We can only tell he is 2 when he is tired. That is when he gets into messes, throws things and cries. Otherwise he is playing quietly by himself or laughing with his big brothers. He is delight and his red curly hair and buck teeth just add to his charm and uniqueness. He really is one of a kind.


Beth said…
Oh my goodness... he's adorable with that hair! Love it.
linzi said…
The curls have returned!!! Goodness, he's adorable. He has grown so much. He is going to be a little boy the next time we see you, isn't he. It is crazy how fast they grow - and you can just see it in his eyes.

Love you guys!

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