Fall Frolic

We set out of doors this last weekend to enjoy one of the most beautiful days we have had this fall. The sun was out and the leaves were ready for throwing:For jumping:

For Running:
And just general laying about:
Of course Ronin couldn't let the day pass without some serious ninja tricks:
We also decided to decorate a bit for the holiday. We thought to cover the real spiderwebs on our house with fake, green ones instead. Even our little keepsake from our summer concrete work makes a very great spooky 'headstone.' We took a trip to the store for some pumpkins and would you believe that they were almost out? They had only the enormous ones left so we didn't get any. What a shame... a halloween with no real pumpkins! We dropped the ball this year for sure.
Malachi was equally interested in the leaves and we raked up a pile of his own so he could play. The beauty of the trees changing colors is truly a sight to behold.
Malachi's hair color seems to match their hues!
What a happy day we spent. We played, and picnic-ed. It was lovely.


Anonymous said…
I love these pictures!! What a great family you have! Your boys are growing up - very handsome! I can almost hear them laughing as they played in the leaves. I'm glad you are capturing these precious moments. G in Utah

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