Ronin's Drawing

We baby sat a little girl with red hair last week. Here is Ronin's portrait of her and her family:

She is on the left. Notice the orange marker for her hair? Plus she had a ponytail at the top of her head (which he also added). The other people are her dad and her baby brother (who doesn't actually exist) He chose to add the eyes as a surprise to me and glued the stick on himself. He is an artistic boy. Which I guess is good since he walks around saying he wants to be an artist when he grows up. His drawings have really changed. He now includes full body parts like fingers, hands and feet and they aren't just sticks anymore. I love this picture so much and love how happy he is. I am now really sad I didn't keep this. We sent it home with the little girl and I am sure it ended up in the trash soon after. Only parents appreciate their own kids artwork!


linzi said…
At least you were smart enough to take a picture of it!!! I love it - the eyes totally make it! I love drawings at this stage! They make people look so interesting! The legs and arms straight from the head - it seems like all kids do it - it makes me wonder how they really see us! They do look at our legs a lot...

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