School Trip to Malaysia 2018 March

This is a half hearted attempt at getting caught up on literally YEARS of past experiences; travel, birthdays, holidays and Larsen Log Living. It feels daunting, to say the least. 

This is going back 2 years ago when we lived in Singapore. Cache was in 5th grade and had his first overnight experience camp for school. They took a trip to Malaysia and explored, took photos, met other kids from a local Malaysian school, rode in buses, ate food, staying in hotels (4 kids and no parents!!) and had a generally good time. I was a nervous wreck, but he was so excited to go. He packed and repacked his bag and checked and re-checked his packing list. So of course it all went off without a problem and he had a great time.

He took an extra phone we had and was told by his school (and myself) to document his daily activities. Our accounts were connected so at the end of each day I would find a few photos on my phone from his day. It was fun to see what he felt he should take a photo of. The one above is a chip of some kind. Must be peanuts? I have no idea. But it was important enough to have a photo of. Driving in a bus for most of the day lends itself to photo taking of fruit trees along the road. Malaysia is full of food growing everywhere. They export a lot around SEA. And because my blogging skills are crap, I can't figure out how to get these photos where they need to go. So this is where they will stay for now.

A cute little basket Cache learned how to weave together at a school demo. I believe he wove these with the local Malay class.  And another weaving project. They usually put rice and sometimes fish or meat in these and then weave the packet with palm leaf before steaming. You can find them hanging in small shops for a quick snack.
Cache in 2018.... riding in a bus in his school uniform with what seems to be the largest hat-bill ever made. But I am sure it's an illusion brought about by his photography skills.
This is a building of interest to Cache. I like the patterns on it. I am unsure why he liked it. Possibly for the same reason?
A graveyard along the roadside.
An artistic shot.
Shoes by brick and cobblestone.
Patterns in stone. Very artistic of him eh?

It's hard to believe that kids grow up. In the day to day minute you don't notice but once you look back your heart is wrenched with love and confusion at the person they are becoming. And it's only going to get worse when I look back at these photos in another 2 years and he is 15. Life is a weird blend of fast and slow, present and future, life ebbing and flowing. Cache worked hard during his time in Singapore local schools. It wasn't easy for him to adjust. We had a lot of scary moments of intense tantrum-ing, screaming, fighting and throwing things. Times when I didn't think he would make any friends. Times when I cried and he cried. But by the time we left Singapore for Bali he had hit a stride. Lots of friends and fun at school. So much so that when we did leave I felt a sense of loss for all that he would miss out on by moving. It's funny how you can want a change so badly but when it comes wish you would have enjoyed the present more. You would like I would learn how to be more present since the feeling of regret can be so painful. I am trying. Trying to love each day even in the nitty gritty of raising these kids.


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