Splash pads are fun again!

I would say we haven't been to a splash pad in over a year or so. Partially because the big boys are too big and would rather do wilder things like trampoline parks and such. But also because a baby baby at a splash pad, is kind of like torture. 

First of all you have to lug an obscene amount of baby gear. Enough to think you were brought into this world to be a pack mule. And believe-you-me, it isn't a fun feeling. Then you worry about the pooping of the swim diaper, or losing the Binkie or heaven forbid, missing a nap time! GASP! It's enough to make you want to stay home.
But then... then you hit kind of a sweet spot where you still have to lug a lot of crap, but not as much because a bottle and ten thousand snacks aren't needed. And the nap time can be fudged a bit and oh yeah, you have 4 fabulous big brothers who do all the heavy lifting. That's when the splash pad comes back into play.

And for the most part, it was enjoyed by all. Asa took awhile to warm up to the water, and the people. He wanted to be held most of the time which the boys are always ready and willing to do.

And when he started to get fussy or bored, they swooped right in and made it fun. I tell you what, having a baby with 4 bigger and much older kids has been a babyhood game changer. As much as I hate people getting into other people fertility business, I would HIGHLY recommend having lots of older kids and especially with a 5 year gap between the last two. It makes this whole new baby thing so much fun. However, no matter what, I do still worry about that whole pooping in the swim diaper thing. That's just gross. 


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