Utah Summer trip 2016: Flights and Week 1

The kids were so excited to head to Utah again this summer. It's all they could talk about for months before leaving. The airports are always so EPIC! In fact, they are so intense, we have dedicated an entire post to it. The kids were really great. Promise! They all had new ear phones which makes them so happy.

 And everything else about the flights makes you SO sleepy! Levi was mostly adorable the whole way. Except that last 2.5 hour flight where he was kicking the seat in front of him and the flight attendant asked him to stop and he screamed at her. NOT his finest moment. I tried to explain to her that he was on hour 20 of flights and airports and she said she kind of understood. kind of.

We had our first layover in Japan. Layovers are the WORST! Everyone is so happy to be out of that plane so they run crazy. They play on the escalators, scream and laugh and wrestle each other. Even with a 2 hour layover you barely have time to get food and get to the next plane.

It always panics me because i have to leave them on their own while I go buy them lunch. It's Asia which means its SO crowded and busy. I left these boys at a table across the food court to stand in line at McDonald's. Which is the worst place to eat, but at least the kids will eat something. Then we hurry to eat it all and get to the next gate. The kids are trailing 10 feet behind me the entire way. It's a little nerve wracking...

We arrived in Utah around 9pm and decided it was time for cereal!!!  Once they were properly 'fed' for the 4th time in 24 hours we got in bed by midnight. That first day is just so SO LONG!

The next morning Ronin decided to have pancakes. Or should I say, whipped cream with a little pancake underneath. He said he was gearing up for the best summer ever. So he needed his sugar.

The next 40 days were filled with a lot of this:
 I think its their favorite part and made even better when they added cousins to the jump. The boys were so cold when we first got there they all need pants!

Along with new pants, Ronin had to have this shirt. He says it is so awesome. Like his bed-head.

Cousins hanging out and getting ready for a bon-fire. We love grandpas fire pit!

Cute kids in new duds.

Roasting hotdogs. The crisp cool air was all we needed for the perfect day.


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