Christmas 2013

Christmas came and went with a bang. We just don't have any pictures of it because I lost my camera AGAIN! Somewhere, oh somewhere its sitting in a cab or at someones house or somewhere in Singapore just mocking me. I am so angry I can hardly see straight! AND to make it worse, it was the new one to replace the old one and it had my new Christmas present from Patrick in it... an external flash! GRRRRRRR!

Ok, ok, I'm trying to breathe through it... Here are the only pictures I have of our Christmas. Thanks to my phone. We made some paper snowflakes because Cache kept whining about how bad he misses snow. We covered our walls with them thanks to some pretty cool patterns on Pinterest.

Kai helped hang our stockings. That's my little one on the right. They definitely make them bigger now and they are so hard to fill!
I decided to do a bit of an Asian styled tree this year. I have ornaments from Burma and Singapore. A mix of bright colors and clay shapes.
 We were so excited to have our first real tree! It smelled so amazing. We had it delivered on Dec. 10... the first day in our new apartment. In fact they had it delivered before we even received the key from the landlord! We thought we would celebrate getting more space with some Christmas style! And I must say I was just sad we missed 10 whole days of Christmas decorating while we waited to get into the apartment. It made December fly by too fast!
We have  a few presents we actually got pictures of. This is Levi's pirate tent which lasted about 3 weeks before it had to be thrown out. All the other boys and other kids as well felt it was better to throw it around and sit on the roof instead of calmly inside it. So there were a lot of holes in it and it wasn't standing by the time we finished January.

I got this idea of getting a trampoline and debated back and forth about it. Cache's favourite thing to do is parcor all over the couch, beds and walls. I thought it would help if he had something to actually jump on. It does sometimes, but other times he still wants to jump on the couch much to Patrick's annoyance. Other kids love it though and I will say, it is quite fun. We have made some interesting videos on it.

I got this sweet present from a little girl in primary. She made this for me.
I thought it was so sweet! First of all that she even thought of making me one, but also for the time and energy she put into it. I have it safely stored in my Christmas ornament box waiting until next year. It definitely brought me joy! We have enjoyed our Christmas very much and Grandma and Grandpas visit. It's nice to have family close by for such a wonderful Holiday. It is definitely my favourite one. Merry Christmas!


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