Ronin turns 9

Ronin decided to not have a friends party this year. I decided they are at the age where its time to give them the choice, because lets face it... I'm tired. And if I can get out of planning and executing a party with a bunch of kids, games and noise, then I'm a-gonna.

What I told the kids was, you can have the same amount of money to go toward a friends party, or a family party. Which means you can basically do whatever you want cause the money goes so much farther when you only have your brothers to think about.

Ronin opted for lunch at the mall and the arcades with his brothers and just to reinforce the awesomeness of a family party, we started with a movie out the night before while Patrick was camping with the YM. Family parties are AWESOME!

Ronin was very vocal about what he wanted. (Always very helpful, if not bordering on annoying.) He's been wanting some Air Jordan shoes for playing basketball. Well, you can't really get the size we needed here in Singapore, so Patrick had the foresight to pick them up while he was in the states. Thank goodness for that trip!

We also brought back some Ninjago Legos which made him extra happy. There was a lot of clutching and screaming and laughing. Of course he knew he was going to get them, because I have a horrible liars face. But I think he was excited anyway.

Levi is growing up fast (his birthday is next!) And decided he too liked the shoes. Well, lets face it, he's two so he loves ALL shoes.

Dessert was brownies and ice cream which somehow morphed into donuts and brownies and ice-cream, oh my! Ronin said he had a stomach ache after. In fact he went to bed feeling really lousy. Why don't kids listen to their parents? I mean, really... how many times did I have to tell him not to over eat? To be fair he has had a cold this past week so hopefully it was the sweets and not the flu kicking in or something.

He organised his candles and I put in a few re-starters just for fun. It took so long to get those babies out that the brownies took on a melted candle flavour!

Baby Levi didn't seem to mind....
(and yes, we were all in attendance, but somehow there is no documentation of it. It looks like Levi and Ronin had their own party!)

Happy Birthday Roey!! It's crazy that there is another year gone! It's hard to keep track of things you are doing with time moving this fast. This year you learned a lot about being a kind and helpful big brother. You are fiercely loyal to your siblings and its been so helpful for me. You have learned to change diapers (and you may even like doing it too!) Now if we could only get you to cut your own pancakes in the morning ; )
You are growing in the gospel and learning about forgiveness and repentance. Which is always a good thing. You love love love basketball and were chosen as one of three 3rd graders to play on the school team. Which is quite an accomplishment. You are very athletic and always on the move. School has gotten harder but you seem to manage it well, even if you don't get the best grades. You have been preparing Cache to start P1 in the new year and are so sweet telling him that you will watch out for him. We hope he gets to go to the same school because we know he will be in good hands with his big brother.
You are amazing Ronin. A strong, fun and fast moving boy who desires to do the right thing and looks for the good in people. What a blessing you are in our family. Happy Birthday!!


Anonymous said…
I would love too see Ronin in a bath or underwear. He's BEAUTIFUL would like to see his body more!

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