Happy Birthday Baby

 Our little guy, our last sweet baby, just turned 2. *gasp*
We love him so much. Everyone in the family and every one he knows, just love him. He's such a delight. He's fun, funny and happy, pretty much all the time. Which is amazing!
Here is Cache teaching him a few things...
 Levi was excited about his brownies. He didn't seem to mind that Kai blew out his candles for him. I guess that just an older brother thing to do. Ronin's done that a few times with Cache in the past. I love his happy face in this picture. That flame looks monstrous!
 We're not too sure who, but someone has taught Levi the fine art of funny faces. He "pulls" them out once in awhile.
 Aren't his eyes just sweet. I could look into them all day!
 He quickly got into his present opening. It didn't take him long to get the concept, of course. I love seeing this transition. Between 1 and 2 years old, they become so much more aware. Levi is just leaps and bounds above what his brothers were at this age. He has a lot of examples around to show him the ropes and he is a fast learner. Of course ripping paper isn't too hard for anyone. Especially a toddler.
 The big boys wanted to get him a gift from the dollar store. Well, here is the $2 store. But you know, at least we have one. So I can't complain. He really likes his bowling set. And he's not too shabby either...
 He has also started taking his pictures like this:
I can now see that its an age thing, but I think its so adorable I could squeal! He says cheese and then squints his eyes. I don't understand what the logic is, but its cute nonetheless.

Levi's birthday marks a certain time in our lives as a family. We left Westchester only 2 months after his birthday just 2 years ago. It's been quite a ride. We're so grateful he was able to come to our family. No matter how unprepared we may have been for him, he has been the perfect addition to complete our family. He has the ability to bring a smile to the face of anyone who meets him. I think it goes beyond him being a cute baby, but a gift he has been blessed with. He is usually always happy and is willing to share it with others. He has definitely made our family happier and watching the boys take care of him and the relationships they are building has made this whole family thing amazing. They all want a special piece of him and the magic he carries with him. We all need it, and he is patient to give it. I feel like he has been the unity we have needed to keep us going strong. That's a lot to carry on those little pudgy shoulders and maybe it won't always be like this, but it is right now and we are loving every minute of him! Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you!


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