4 Monkeys in the bed

This was bedtime one night. Totally crazy but for some reason they were all together. Which I guess is why it felt totally crazy.

Patrick got a ukelele and told the boys if they practiced and memorised a certain amount of chords he would get them their own for Christmas. Of course the practicing was crazy! But only for a week. They soon tired of it. Too bad... no ukes for them I guess.
The rest is self explanatory. Teeth brushing, binkies and general goofy mayhem. 
Bedtime rocks at our house.

(And have you noticed that in Singapore all words you may have used a "Z" to spell actually use an "S"?   memorized, baptized, realized... all of them have red lines under them constantly. 
My spell check keeps checking me... or have I forgotten how to spell? It's totally possible.


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