Happy Halloween: Bayshore Style

This is our first true Halloween where we trick-or-treat-ein the halls of our condo.
We opted out of going to "Little America" north of the island where the streets are paved with candy and crowded with a great majority of Singaporeans. Instead we signed up to give out candy from our floor and take the kids to around to the other towers.
 This years Halloween costumes were wonderful. Only because they were simple! I love that my kids are getting older and will say what they want to be. Together we make it happen. Ronin wanted to be a D.J. Easy enough. He already has the sassy punk clothes, so we just added some earphones. Some time ago he met new friends at the playground and told them all his name was DJ. Then I guess one other kid wanted to be called DJ, so they started calling each other that. So it has morphed into a costume.

Cache wanted to be a ninja so we dug out the latest taekwondo outfit. Levi is sporting the old Ikea Dog Costume that came from Noni L. Kai was the one person that got something new for his costume: a squeaky clown nose. We fluffed up his orange curly hair, added a big tie from dad and dug out the craziest clothes from his closet. Pretty simple there too.
 Someone organized the trick or treating and we thought they had us signed up. I purchased candy and dug out the rest of our Oriental Trading stash to hand out, and I even cut out some Halloween sayings for the front door! But come the end of the night not one person had stopped by. Apparently we didn't make it onto the list! So I sent Ronin out to hand it to kids running around the complex. There was craziness everywhere. Kids running and screaming non-stop. Which in these cement hallways is enough to split your eardrums.
 Then  there were some neighbors that really got into the spooky side of the holiday and had kids screaming and crying as other kids fought to the door to retrieve their candy. Add all of it to the traffic jam of the elevators, and you have one crazy night that we are not anxious to repeat.
 I think next year we will go up to Little America instead and enjoy walking around actual streets and stopping in to actual houses. A little more space is always nice.
But, of course the kids had a great time. Candy + Running + Screaming + Friends = lots of Halloween fun!


Anonymous said…
Looks like it is the same no matter where you live! Hey, those moustaches came in handy again! Levi had a great idea of brushing his teeth right after! you look like a great American Halloween family!!!! Not one person came here either. Not too sad for me since I didn't buy candy! Love from Utah

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