Summer Break Recap: Castle Beach

There is this handy dandy section of beach just down from our condo that is the place to be for making sand castles. Every saturday they have groups of castle makers lined around to help you build the most amazing castle you can. You can even buy a sand castle kit! (or course, every bit of fun here is available for a price). 

 We did decide to buy the kit and it also came with a free tutorial! It was all a bit laughable at first, but ended up being pretty useful information.
 The kit came with these really cool little soldier guys and all sorts of molds to make the most authentic castle
 It's a kids delight for sure!
 We met some really nice people there too. The thing I love about Singapore is you always have people that are so friendly and talkative. Most of them are foreigners (from all over) which makes it so interesting. We learn a lot and hear so many different accents. Which is something I will never get tired of. These nice people were from Australia (which a lot are). We chatted about kids and family and had a great old time. Of course they couldn't believe we have 4 kids. I always laugh inside when I think of the coronary they would have if they visited our church on any given sunday ; )  They also found this little crab, digging in the sand. He wasn't all that little and was quite scared of us. He skittered away pretty quick.
The little boys got really tired, so Analyn and I took them home so the big boys could play in peace. There wasn't a lot of peace to be found since there was a lot of bickering going on. But I think overall they did have fun and they played until the sun went down.
 Kai, in his two-year old ways, will only wear about 4 shirts of the hundreds that he actually owns. I think this red one is his absolute favorite. He asks for it almost everyday, but will trade off with 2 others if its dirty. One day ALL his favorites were in the wash. We tried and tried to talk him into something else, but he decided just to go naked. We walked all the way to school like that. Actually, he rode his bike in nothing but sunglasses and a diaper. So, we see this shirt a lot. It matches his curls so well!
Here's Analyn and the baby chubbers. This guy is getting so big! (and this picture is 2 months old). Just one more month and he will be 1 year old. We can hardly believe it.
 Here is a group of the real sandcastle makers. They really know how to put on a show.

It's undeniable.  Castle Beach rocks.


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