This week in Pictures

I have been cleaning out the pictures from my phone so I can keep taking more and I realize how behind I actually am on documenting our life here. So this is the quickest way to update you on the happenings here in Singapore. Everyone is growing and thriving. Which makes us happy! I personally am feeling a little cramped in our apartment but with the pool and the beach we do get out which helps us manage most days.

Cache has been doing some things lately which remind me that he is still a little boy. Even though he is 5, he is still young and innocent and no amount of rough housing with his big brother will change that. Some of his favorite things to do are dance with his earphones/ipod on (it's hilarious and a bit disturbing... movie coming soon) He loves to role play and he has really been into crafts. Beadworking, coloring, gluing, cutting, you name it. He crafted himself this Batman cape. The biggest flaw was that he couldn't get it black. I guess he didn't really want to color that much. The ribbon made it a bit girly, but he looked past it for the sake of being able to fly. This is his fiercest Batman Look.

I found this beautiful flower growing in a pot lost along the side of a house as I walked Ronin to school. I couldn't believe the vibrant color and perfect shape. Twas a shame to see it sitting all alone. But maybe it was waiting just to make me smile.

Baby Levi got to ride the bus for the first time. He really enjoyed it and so did I, until the ride back. Once he realized he could stand and look out the window, he was more difficult to wrangle. And after being out and about for 3 hours I was done. I can tell this boy likes to be out and in the middle of things. He is loves watching people and seeing new sights. Too bad he gets left behind most of the time.

Our little bobby with some vampire fangs... Kai has got to be the most helpful little 2 year old I have ever known. He will bring you your shoes and socks. He will find your phone. He will make sure you have a plate, fork and cup when you sit to the table. He asks if you want food or a drink. He will hug and kiss his little brother when he is sad or hurt (baby Lie... as he calls him).  He helps Analyn sweep the floor and fold the clothes. And all because he just likes to do things for others. It's the kind of thing you can tell comes wrapped up in his personality. It's amazing to see especially since we have others to compare it too. All little kids like to help, but Kai IS a thoughtful and helpful person. It's going to be so amazing to watch him grow.

It rains every few days here. Not for very long, but when it rains it pours. They definitely came up with that saying here. Levi likes to venture out to pick Cache up from school and this was one day where we were glad to have an umbrella! Everyone thinks he is so cute. From his pudgy white skin to his big sweet smile. This day a little girl kept pinching his pecks and giggling. They are quite pudgy (if you know what I mean). She finally asked me if the baby was a girl and then giggled again when I told her NO, it is a boy!


Ronin had his Parent Teacher Conference meeting so I was invited to his classroom for the first time. It's your average 2nd grade classroom. Except for the many ceiling fans throughout the room. I have no idea how the teachers get through a day without losing their voices from talking over the noise. I can see why Ronin acts crazy when he gets home. It must take a lot of control to sit through class all day feeling the heat and listening to the roar of the fans. It would drive me crazy. It also makes sense why he looks like this at the end of every day: His hair is always tufting up in every direction. With the sweat and constant chlorine, his hair is a wirey mess.
We are now on week two of summer break. Two down, two to go. We have tried to get out and see the sights, and while I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping the kids entertained, I realized that we haven't actually don't a lot of things other than crafts and swimming. Which I guess is fine, right? Ronin did get a chance to go to work with Patrick for a day. He thought that was downright awesome! Patrick has moved into a new office and so Ronin set up a desk for himself. He organized his pencils and paper clips and tried to steal the white-out. They both spent the day sketching and hanging their masterpieces up on the newly painted wall. I met them for a late lunch and to bring Ronin home. He couldn't believe Patrick still had to go back to work after that! Ronin kept saying how tired he was and that he had had full day but how it was the "bestest day ever!" It is a special thing to get one on one time with Dad. Especially since his work schedule has been so busy we have hardly seen him.

We have met some new friends too. Here is our playground lizard. He is in this spot as long as the sun isn't directly shining on him. We have caught him out a few times, but he always goes running when he sees us. Especially when its Kai that is chasing him.

This not so "little" guy was out after a big rainstorm. I was shocked at how big he was. I almost stepped on him. SO glad I didn't though since he was big enough to have made a real mess on my shoe. Ick!

And these guys live in the pond that is by Ronin's school. They are only two of a large clan of turtles. (if turtles actually come in clans) This little park is so serene to walk through on the way to school. I can't believe we will be doing the school routine again in only 2 weeks! 6am wake-up calls, busy days with no chance of wearing your jammies and homework! Ronin did mention the other day that he missed school. I think that kid has too much energy to enjoy himself at home. There just isn't enough for him to do, and mom doesn't have enough in her to keep him engaged every moment. While going back to school brings a lot of things with it, it does help us keep a nice routine which will be welcomed when the time comes. I think really Ronin just misses hanging out with all his new friends. And really, you can't blame him. That would be fun!


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