Happy 4th Birthday Cache!

Today is the actual day! Cache turned 4! (I can't believe I actually got the photos up on time too!)
He had presents! He mostly got things that he was going to get for Christmas but we deemed him already TOO "presented up" so they went into hiding for a month. His big ticket item was a Strider bike because mom ran over his tricycle with the car and we are hoping it helps him learn without training wheels.

Cache requested only a few things for his birthday this year. He wanted 2 presents, (uh, oops), a goody bag from primary (which he pronounces "doody bad"... oh this kids english!) and a rainbow cake. When he asked for a rainbow cake, I was at a complete loss. Good thing we had our resident designer on the case.

The rainbow cake and one happy little boy:
Ronin couldn't let the party go by without being in most of the pictures and even blowing out the candles before Cache could. Both Patrick and I were more bothered by that than Cache was, or so it seemed:

Somehow the "ran tandles" (crayon candles) matched the cake perfectly:
Cache believed he wasn't 4 until he actually blew out his candles. He couldn't wait to get it done.
Ronin loooooves having his pictures taken.... and eating cake:
Rainbow cake was pure sugary enjoyment. I can still taste the food coloring!
Happy Happy Birthday Cache! You already seem so much older. Your words are becoming more and more clear and you are really taking good care of your baby brother. Now if we can just get you to buckle your own car seat without being asked a gazillion times we will be on our way! Thanks for coming to our family 4 years ago! We love love love you!!


Heather said…
Happy Birthday Cache man! I know his English is frustrating to you, but it is one of my favorite things about him! He is too tute!
Kimberly said…
Beth said…
Aw, happy birthday to your little guys. They're adorable. Tyler just asked me for a train cake for his bday. I am NOT a cake decorator, so we'll see what I come up with.

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