Father's Day

Somehow this year Father's Day became just like Christmas. The kids were SO excited to give Patrick his gift. They were in their jammies ready for pictures and begging for us to get up so we could get started.
Of course Patrick hammed up his excitement just to keep the boys going. And they were definitely enjoying themselves. Laughing and begging for him to open his present!
Super Ham...

Finally he opened his gift, sheesh! The kids couldn't stand the suspense! We made up these silhouette pictures from THIS tutorial and had the boys sign them. So incredibly simple and sweet but stunning as well.
A little bit of love for each boy. I decided not to do Malachi this time around. Mostly because I ran out of time and didn't quite know how I would get a good profile shot. The idea of the boys holding him up so I could get his picture made me a bit scared.

All in all we had a great Father's Day. Well the kids and I did and we hope Patrick did too, although I didn't ask him! We of course had church and I was scheduled to give a talk on fathers which caused enough stress for the day. Plus we had the fire alarm go off 3 times during Sacrament Meeting! It was eventful! We are very grateful to have such a wonderful, fun and loving father in our home. Thank you Patrick for all you do for us. You are priceless!


linzi said…
Those are so cool! I love how Patrick played along, although I'm sure he was almost that excited inside :)

How incredibly special - I'm sure Ronin and Cache were on cloud nine! I love how much they adore and love Patrick - it's just more proof of the exemplary dad he is. And how cool that you got them so excited about the gifts that they were pulling you out of bed so they could give it to him! We have so much to learn from you guys!
Beth said…
that is a fantastic idea! i love those silhouettes. i'm gonna steal that from you.

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