The Wedding In Utah

Welp, my brother finally took the plunge and got married this past month. We got to travel out to Utah to see all the family and participate in the festivities. And let me say, it was festive! We had such a wonderful time and the bride and groom are two wonderful people who are meant to be! We are so excited for them and their new journey together. (unfortunately I did not ask them if I could post pictures, so you won't be seeing any of them!) But we took plenty of pictures of our family, so hope you like us:

Cache and I got to spend some time together. I love that boy:
Patrick was asked to help with the reception. We had these delish waffles, berries and cream. Perfect choice if I do say so myself. Patrick was pretty handy with his waffle iron and only burned one! (he says the thing didn't beep...uh huh.) Doesn't he looks swank? 
The boy cousins were corralled to take pictures together which turned out so cute. Here is Cache in his new digs, waiting to be wrangled:
Here are the other boys hanging out too. Ronin got a cold sore the day before the wedding so his pictures were interesting. I guess there was too much stress and sun for that boy to handle! He still looks dashing though:
The bride requested sparklers to be burning as they ran for their car and sped away, and we were happy to oblige! Right after this Cache grabbed the burned end of his and cried and cried. His little fingers blistered up too. It was so sad and it took him a little bit to pick up a sparkler again. These kids have had more exposure to fireworks in the last two weeks in Utah than their entire life in NY. Gotta love that place. At some point in the evening Ronin showed up in his jammies. Guess some things don't change regardless of location:
Here is our family shot for the evening. My parents and siblings worked hard to make the backyard perfect for the reception and did a smashing job. They hung these lanterns up over the tables. It helps make a lovely shot. Cache found these glasses in the toy room and would not take them off for days. As you can see, his future is so bright, he's gotta wear shades:
What a lovely and romantic time we had celebrating with David and Carly. Good luck you guys!! We miss our wonderful siblings and cousins that are back in Utah. NY is a mighty lonely place without you. Hope to visit again soon!


Unknown said…
I am CRACKING up that Ronin changed into jammies...can't get upset for the little guy needing to be comfortable! Your family picture is adorable! Love the dress color on you.
Kage said…
Roe in Jammies....of course! You guys look so cute and happy in the last the lanterns!
Anonymous said…
Boy we did have a GREAT time! Thanks for posting these fun pictures. Now I really feel lonely too!! G in Utah
David Sessions said…
I haven't read your blog in a long time. It has been really fun. Much funner than doing my homework. Love and miss you guys.

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