Cache Turns 9!

One of the absolute best things about living in Singapore is when Cache has a birthday, its nice and sunny and warm outside, so that means POOL PARTY!!! We enjoyed a family party to ring in Cache's 9th year.

Cache has changed so much this last year. When his 8th year proved to be difficult and demanding, his 9 year old self is easing into life much better. He has friends at school and feels very confident in his abilities. He loves to play with his little brothers. Lego being a favorite. And he and Ronin are becoming closer friends each day. Where they used to differ, they are finding tolerance. 

He is much more cheerful as a 9 year old! Which is so wonderful to have around. His favorite gift was his BB8 robot which is pretty cool to all of us actually. He has loved all things Star Wars for awhile now.

I made a cake for the occasion but you know, that pesky Singapore heat just had the poor thing melting all over the place!!

We were lucky enough to have Noni visiting as well. Her birthday is only a few days before Cache's so he said he would share his birthday with her. Her cake was also just as melty!

We love having Cache in our family. He is smart and clever and LOVES to give hugs. Which is my favourite thing about him. Any time you need a pick-me-up Cache is ready with a great hug to help squeeze the grumpies away.   Happy Birthday Cache!!!


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