Cambodia Extras

Ok, I am completely aware that I took TOO many photos in Cambodia. But I'm pretty darn sure if you had been there you would have too. There was just too much to see and so many amazing and crazy things, I just had to take a photo. Usually when I get back from a trip Im in love with all of them and then slowly I can be more selective. However I am noticing after some time away from looking at these, I still want to share them! So here ya go.

Crocodile Farm.... one word: crazy. Like completely the most creepy thing I have seen in my life. SO many of them! All sitting there just like this guy:
Totally frozen and lying in wait.  They really can lay completely still. In fact I kept thinking they were dead, but the slowly but surely they would move. There was one guy that was partially covered in moss. I do think he may have been dead, cause HOW would he be covered in moss? Anyway, it was crazy but worth seeing.
Here's the monkeys outside of Angkor Wat. These are sneaky little guys. They would steal the entire seed bulb right from your hand when you aren't looking. One of these pesky guys raided the shop ladies cart and carried off an entire bunch. They are smart, and pretty cute too. Cache liked them, but Ronin was skittish.

Here's a shot of the family massage time. The most relaxing 10 minutes of our day. We had to do it each day we were there. Totally worth it.

Also tried the fish massage. It was kind of gross to think about but I'm sure it felt kind of good. Cache loved it, Ronin did not!

Hanging at the Bayon Temple site.  Isn't this statue gorgeous? She just surprised me as I came around the corner and I love it! 
This is my "Cambodia" picture. We were driving along as it started raining. And when it rains its a downpour! Plus their ground is more clay than soil so it doesn't soak in. It floods and runs everywhere. These oxen were just living their lives. Ox in the mud.

I loved this temple site. Ta Prohm Temple. The trees are just growing right over the ruins. This entire site is under renovation so you would see piles of stones waiting to be sorted. Some have just fallen and others have been numbered and ordered ready to be built again. We saw a lot of temple ruins and each was stunning in their own special way. 


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