Levi Elwood Larsen

Guess what was the first thing to go when baby came along? Uh, blogging! Well actually, that went in the middle of baby #3. Its just gotten really really bad lately. But here he is. (all the pictures are the same. Nothin' new. In fact this poor baby doesn't have many pictures to document his existence here.)

Baby Larsen
Born Sept. 20 2011
9 lb. 13 oz.
19 3/4 inches
The boys absolutely adore him. He is getting bigger by the day. In fact at his first week appointment he had only lost half an ounce, which I have never experienced before. He is learning to sleep through the night, albeit sloooowwwly.
This little (big) guy is now almost 2 months old. While its very odd to look around and realize we have 4 kids, we do feel like he has always been here! He has a very calm disposition, although when he wants something, he isn't afraid to let you know. I think through the years he will find ways to be even more demanding since there are so many that come before him. We are getting used to the size of our family. We barely fit in the car now and there is NO way we go out to dinner or basically anywhere all together. There is just too much to manage by ourselves right now. But we are getting better at juggling. I think adding #4 is the start of the "divide and conquer" mentality. At any given time both patrick and I are separate with two boys in tow. Its the only way to get things done, or in the middle of the night when they are all asleep. But regardless of the learning curve, Levi is a delight. Sweet, pudgy and the perfect addition to our pile of boys. We love him even if the kids can't remember what his name is most of the time....


He is precious! Congrats and welcome to the "I have 4 kids, so that's why I have Cheerios in my hair and haven't showered for 4 days" club!
Kelly S. said…
Hi Kristie! Levi and ALL of the boys are so adorable! I love that picture of them all piled on the bed with your husband smiling at them, soooo sweet. CONGRATULATIONS!
Kaiti said…
Oh, he is so so cute. Good job on making it all the way to the end of September. Looks like the boys are pretty fond of him. I love that picture of malachi giving him a hug- so cute. You're awesome Kristie!! Keep in touch. I may send you a test text to make sure I've got your number right in my phone. I want to keep updated on all the new adventures you will be having. Love ya

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