Summer In NY

After our extended vacation to the west, we did spend some time in NY at the park and in our yard. We also had a nasty case of lice which resulted in the two little boys getting their heads shaved. It was just so much easier, regardless of how funny they ended up looking.

Malachi really took to the bald head. It seemed to spark in him a more wild personality. Suddenly he was a dare devil and so much older! He wears it well but his hair is taking forever to grow back in. Cache decidedly looks better with his beatles mop top. We are patiently waiting for it to come back. It seems to be growing faster than Kai's is. I think had I known how long it would take, I would have tried a bit harder to keep it around.
Ronin perfected his bike riding skills this summer. He is now completely comfortable going down hills, turning and riding way too fast (in moms opinion). Its nice to see him so steady and having so much fun!

Ronin also has fallen in love with the monkey bars. Its a good thing, since he acts like a monkey a lot of the time anyway.

Kai loooooves the dirt. And the dirt at the playground is so fine that it gets everywhere. There are also plenty of other fun things like sticks to poke and rocks to eat.
The summer slowly faded into fall and we are now feeling the breaths of winter upon us. In the middle of summer you think it will last forever. The nights are beautiful and there is always something fun happening, but it goes by in a blink.


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