Pumpkin Patch 2011

We had some visitors come to see the changing leaves and help us have a truly happy fall. We took them to a pumpkin patch:

We go to a new one every year but only because we can never remember where we went the year prior. This patch left a lot to be desired, but we had some fun anyway.
The boys have been really patient with me since the baby came. I have been an ornery witch to say the least. but they take it all in stride.
THis patch looks like there are rows and rows of pumpkins, but this was pretty much it. And nothing drives me crazy more than to go to a 'patch' where the picking has already been done. I mean, whats the point of that anyway?
Here is the group! We did have fun and this patch had the most AMAZING cider donuts I have ever had. So fantastic we had to get 2 dozen!
Thank you to our wonderful guest for making our trip so fun. And actually we wouldn't have done anything fun at all had they not showed up, so we owe them extra! We love you!


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