What's A Happenin'

This is just a small rambling of the things we have been doing lately. It really is officially spring, but you wouldn't know it by our weather lately. We woke up to snow yesterday and Cache was more than happy to go out to play. I think that kid would be fine if it was winter all year round. He never gets tired of playing in the snow.
Of course there really wasn't enough to make anything, so Cache had to improvise. Here is his snowman:
He decided it could lay down in the snow since it wasn't cooperating by sticking together. I was really surprised he didn't have a tantrum over not being able to make a proper snowman. This kid really is quite flexible with his expectations. Something that will serve him really well in life. If only the rest of us could have a dose of that.

The only thing that makes us feel like it is spring is the seedlings we have perched around the house waiting for that last frost to hit. Here is an egg carton flat of loose leaf lettuce:
Yum.... I will eat you soon!!! As always, while planning our garden my stomach was bigger than my eyes and I have way more seeds (and now seedlings) that I have space to plant. It could get interesting around here. We are going to have to invest in a lot more pots for the patios.

And last but mooooost definitely not least, Malachi is finally a walker!
He hardly crawls anymore. He is much more willing to hop up and walk to wherever he wants to be. He is getting great at turning around, and quickly too.
He is just a delight to have around. I love his frankenstein baby walk. It gets even worse when he is in shoes, but its oh, so cute!
So Ronin is busy with sports camp and karate after school (the photos are somewhere!) Cache is busy with his "cut and colors" (little preschool worksheets that have kept him SO happy) and you see what Malachi is up to. We are keeping busy.

Happy Spring!


Anonymous said…
Kai is sooo cute walking!! Boy he looks so grown up! Your seedlings look GREAT! We have had 2 more snow storms too! We are very eager for warmer weather!! That snowman was very creative - just made me smile! Love to all of you! G in Utah
jp said…
Seedlings! Oh I am jealousing your garden! ...and those boys of yours! Too too cute
Anonymous said…
You guys have snow! Thats so cool! You must live in the U.S right? Well in Aus, we don't ever get snow ): What state are you guys from? I've always wanted to go to the U.S. Where are the modern places to visit? L.A? NYC? Sorry for commenting so long but I wanted to ask an American (: if you're not canadian or european.
Btw; congrats on your son walking. I was only blog walking and I saw your blog and it looked interesting.

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