Cache the Singer

Today you made up your own version of The Driver on the Bus:

The Cacher on the bus says:
here's a eyeball
here's a eyeball 
here's a eyeball
The Cacher on the bus says
here's a eyeball
all through the town

The Ronin on the bus says:
here's a picture
here's a picture
here's a picture
The Ronin on the bus says:
here's a picture
all through the town

You sing ALL day long. We hear you in the morning as you come up the stairs, and it rarely stops. We love it and hope you keep it up all your life. Of course it might be nice if you didn't sing at the top of your lungs when the baby is sleeping ; )


Beth said…
Aw, I love this story. Maybe we need to set him and Audrey up. She's the exact same way. They sound like they could have fun together.

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