First Day of Kindergarten

Well, it finally happened. The first day of Kindergarten that we thought would never arrive, has indeed come and gone. Ronin was beyond excited. Mom was beyond nervous. The first day was a half-day (thank goodness). We woke up too early and had to kill some time, so there was a lot of photos being taken . Ronin wanted to show off his bus tag. Its bright yellow and coordinates with the the bus that he rides. The backpack he so desperately wanted was backordered until October, so he is using an old one for now. One that his teacher has already informed us is inadequate. The ONE item he takes to and from school everyday (a folder) is too big for this backpack. Which is silly because this is the only backpack that isn't gi-normous on him. But we will just have to make due until October!

Cache was more than willing to join in on the photoshoot. They took their favorite stance. I wonder how many photos I will have of these two in this position by the time they are grown. Oh how cute are they?? That hat Cache has on never leaves his head. He wears it down to bed. Hooks it on the headboard while he sleeps and then puts it on before coming up in the morning. It has these hideous fish on it, and he loves it. Why do they never wear the cool things you buy them, but only the tacky ones. (OY! but I did NOT buy this one!)
We made it down to the bottom of the hill to the bus stop with some time to spare. Ronin was willing to give me a big squeeze for the photo. It was his idea. He is such a fun and loving boy and always ready for a photo. And, he was so ready to get on that bus.
We waited for a while. He never left his spot. Where is that darn bus??
Giving one last squeeze to his brother and a kiss, he said he would miss Cache. And so far, each time he has come home he talks about how much he missed him during the day. They play SO well together now that they don't see each other so much! It's really fun to watch.
He has such a funny look on his face. An "older and wiser" brother look. He is SO dramatic...

Once the bus actually came, there was a bit of apprehension. But NO tears. NO fighting or even a question as to what he should do. He got on that bus. Said hi to the adults that were helping him and found a seat. There were a lot of them since he was the first stop of the day.
A big empty bus, with our little Kindergartener on it. (he's not even 5 yet!)  I teared up. It was difficult, but fun all at the same time. I was prepared more for a tantrum and fear than I was for him to jump on without a hitch. He really is growing up.
When he came home we asked how his first day was. The look on his face wasn't one of joy. "Not Good" he said. Of course we had instant worry and panic. Preparing for a year of pain and misery. Apparently his teacher wouldn't let him color his entire picture orange. (his favorite color) She wanted him to use more colors. AND she told him to color his school bus yellow, not orange because that is what color they really are. He was really bothered by all of this. And so is Patrick. Creativity has been a constant discussion in our house and he was instantly convinced that the school system had squelched Ronin from day one. We tried to discuss that when it comes to art, he really can make his things however he wants and he doesn't necessarily have to do what the teacher says. But he MUST follow what she says with all other subjects. This is a grey area I wasn't anticipating delving into at this age. I am sure this discussion will continue through the years, especially if Patrick has any say in it. (He is still quite bothered) He took the day off to spend with Ronin and make sure he got to the bus and back. It was a special time for each of us.
The next day was MUCH better. It started out rough since we had changed bus stops and had to run the last block to get there in time. But when he came home, he had a huge smile on his face. He met some summer friends in the lunch room. He had nap time (but didn't sleep), lunch time, dance time, and everything was a fun time. He told me tonight as he was jumping on his bed with excitement, that he wished he could live at school and that his teacher could be his mom.  I am so glad that he is excited, but I must say this is NOT the information I love to hear.

But I love him anyway, this special kindergartener of mine. I think the rigid schedule of a grade schooler will be good for me as a mom and the rest of us as a family. So far we have really focused on being here for each other in this transition. There are a lot of changes coming in these next few months and we need to be a strong family to get through them all. I feel happy that it has started out this good. I hope we can keep it going. Here's to the rest of the year!


Heather said…
I LOVE this post. First of all, he looks older in these pictures than he was last week!!! Secondly, I agree with Patrick...let the kid color the bus whatever color he wants. I feel a Parent Teacher meeting coming on. :)
laura said…
That picture of you in the background is BEAUTIFUL. You are pregnant and glowing and lovely.
Jed Eastman said…
This post is awesome. Pictures are awesome. Stories are awesome. Everything's awesome.
This is Carrie said…
I'd be annoyed at the teacher too. Something I would sit down and talk to her about. Art is about the process not the product. There are a lot of teachers who don't understand that.

This year, I'm going to volunteer in the classroom and teach some art lessons. I bet your school might be open to Patrick doing the same.
Kage said…
I think it's all about parents getting involved go for it.

Love the pic of you dancing while you wait in the background. Just photoshop baby bro's leg's out and its perfect.
Kimberly said…
ok. i teared up a bit.... Thank Goodness Sinjin will never be five.
Jen said…
I loved this post and these photos! I loved esp the last one of the boys hugging....Cache looks a little worried about the whole situation. Congrats on getting through the transition!
akdoxey said…
Oh cute little Roey. The picture os him saying good-bye to cache is priceless, along with him about to get on the bus. Oh man, I don't want this day to come for Leah...too close.

We miss you guys!

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