Memorial Day Parade

We walked down our street to enjoy our first Memorial Day parade in our town. It was full of wonderful Veteran's, boyscouts and brownies. We loved it. Apparently we have the largest fleet of firetrucks in the area as well. Here is the start of it:
Cache said 'HI' to absolutely everyone he saw. I would say he was just as much fun to watch as the parade was.
Here is our street corner and even more firetrucks. They were really shiny and nice.
We had a wonderful time together and then enjoyed an evening with our friends at a bbq (which I didn't get pictures of). We had a delightful time and were reminded again of the great sacrifice people have made in behalf of this country that we love. We feel grateful to each of them for what they have given.
Happy Memorial Day!


Heather said…
I love that Cache said hi to everyone. Such a friendly little guy!

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