It's Mother's Day

I just realized it's been almost a month since my last post here. I figured it was time to share a few pics of the boys. Those boys that make me an actual mother. 
Here is silly Ronin. What a ham that kid is. He is SO dramatic, loves dressing up and pretend playing with pirates. Here he is with his compass ring (its actually a clock!) Army hat and totally sweet star glasses. He loves making faces for the camera and Patrick loves taking pictures of it. They are a great match. This kid is actually starting kindergarten this fall and I am a bit worried about the whole process. Losing your little baby really is hard even when you have those days where you wish they would 'just go to school already!' He is a blessing in our home. Such a help for his brother and always has a kind word to say. He is polite and very loving. We love him so much!

Here the boys are on the ONE sunny day we have had in the last week. It has rained so much I have plants and flowers dying from too much moisture. Which is something I never thought I would see. Ronin begged me to buy popsicles the other day, and its been a fight to keep them eating only ONE a day. Many tears are shed over this subject. So finally when the sun came out we got to dig out the goods! They perched themselves outside to enjoy themselves. (Incidentally the sun didn't last much longer than the popsicles did). Cache was having trouble with his and asked Ro-Ro if he would help. Of course Ronin was quick to respond and they were so cute as they chatted together. I couldn't help but watch. 

Cache is our independent boy. He occupies himself endlessly and makes messes like you wouldn't believe. It's been fun to watch his personality emerge. There are still things to be discovered, but he is a loving boy and so sweet to behold. If I had a dollar for every person that wants to squish him and take him home! He is just scrumptious and pure joy to have around.
I feel blessed beyond words to be given the opportunity to know them both so intimately in this life. And equally humbled at the large task of raising them. I hope they can learn to be strong, loving, responsible and kind. I hope they will be willing to continually forgive me with the mistakes that I make (as they already are so fast to!) They are sweet blessed children and I am so grateful to call them mine. Thanks boys for making me a mom. What a wonderful day to reflect upon this journey we are taking together.

I'll love you forever,
I'll Like you for always.
As long as I'm living my babies you'll be

I love you, 


Kimberly said…
Those boys are lucky to have such a sweet, loving mother!

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