Oh Baby!

After many years of debate, pondering, discussion and more discussion, we decided to add to our family of 4 crazy boys. You would think we would have enough, but after almost 5 years of watching our boys grow and enjoying all the beautiful and crazy ins and outs of life with kids, we realised that time is passing, whether we like it or not. And if we wanted to have one more chance of having a sweet baby in our home, NOW was that time!
We tried to hide it from the kids for as long as possible only because its less time to wait and I wanted less time to hear "Mom, when is the baby coming?" When we finally told them, they were ecstatic. Once the anatomy scan came along we decided to make it a family affair. Each boy wanted either a girl or a boy at any given time during the months leading up to the scan. I knew in my heart who was coming to our family, and I was right!
This is the tiny doctors office where the doctor was giving them the low down of what they would be looking at.

They couldn't quite tell at first. And during the scan the doctor was very modest about the whole thing so they didn't even realise it was a boy until I told them. It's a boy!!
Sweet and tender Kai was so worried about me sitting on that exam table. They got a lot of goop on that tummy to see what was happening.

And here is our little peanut. Every scan we had the doctor commented on how sharp a nose he had! I kept telling him, "yes, thats the Larsen nose. We've had that 4 times already".
We decided to share the news with our family and friends in a special way. Nothing like some fake mustachios to show our boy side.

We had a fun photo shoot and the boys couldn't wait util they could put one on the baby themselves!

SO thats it. Baby boy Larsen #5 is due in March 2017. We couldn't more excited to complete our family (and basketball team). What a ride


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