December Updates

This is an iPhone purge for the sake of documenting. Kai has become so good at drawing. His attention to detail as a 4 year old. I just love his drawings so much!

He is also learning how to write his name. It's all still backward, but its cute none the less.

Here is a photo of the boys hailing a cab. They have the technique down pretty good. Too bad they don't really like picking up kids. A lot of cabs passed us by. I couldn't even rely on their cuteness to get us in!
Kai is also improving his lego building skills. He loves to build this robot with a chamber to put his little guy in. He likes to build them for Levi too, which is so nice of him.
 Ronin had his annual Raingutter Ragata race at church and invited his good friend to come along. We love when he comes to spend time with our boys. They all love his so much.
 Cache did a trial class at a Muay Thai class with a friend.
He loved the first two classes but his friend was still very trepidatious and it was so far away that we decided not to join. It was fun anyway!
Patrick spent some time working from home on the weekend. Kai couldn't wait to help out.
The Warehouse Club opened up in Singapore!! YAY! It's basically a Costco, which is awesome. Only problem is its 30 minutes away from us and $30 a taxi ride-each way! Which is annoying. We went to load up on cereal and other things that cost an arm an a leg, but after the taxi rides we decided we have to take it easy on shopping there. It automatically added $60 to my bill!
Ronin has been growing up so fast. It's so crazy to see his getting older and wiser, and of course more handsome! He has tried to perfect his mohawk but has been told by the school he isn't allowed to wear extreme hair styles. So he reserves it for church only.
 And the final photo for now, a picture of cool-joe Kai playing chess. He has NO idea how to play but he's cute anyway.


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