When Mom's Gone

Patrick must really love me because he didn't even flinch when I told him I wanted to go to Utah for 2+ weeks and leave him with the kids. (well, minus 1).

He (but mostly Analyn) took it all in stride. Here's a bit of what they all did while I was gone. 
Finally got to church on time, with baths and hair done! What? Has something happened to my family?

 The boys have now be exposed to "So you think you can Dance?" or some such horrid reality show that pits crazy talented people against other crazy and talented people. This is their own rendition. An apparent Sunday afternoon favorite.

Can never have too much McDonald's after the skate park. It's really the only reason they go to the skatepark now.

Crazy weirdos playing Minecraft:

Eating breakfast with dad:

Swimming with brothers:

Kai is perfecting his "Peace" sign. There's a lot of it here.

When I came back, all were still in one piece although I missed them terribly. A lot more than I thought I would. I felt my place was at home and that this is the family that needs me most. I loved being able to be in Utah for the wedding though. It was an important moment I was unwilling to miss. Thanks to Dad (and Analyn) for holding down the fort! I do lead a charmed life to be able to flit like I do. Glad I had my little Levi to hang with or else I would have been really really sad. But it looks like they had a lot of fun and I got home right in time for Mother's Day, so they were nice and loving. Kind of a perfect time to leave town, if you ask me. I've never received so many hugs!!


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