Art class and a 6 year old

Ok, well he's not 6 yet, but he will be next week. Yesterday Cache learned about Vincent Van Gogh at school. He told me all about him today. How he cut off his ear and how his last painting was the "corn fields" and then he took a gun and "shooted himself."   My reaction: GASP!!! What in tarnation are they teaching you in art class??
At least they are asking them to draw, which might be the only good thing that came out of it.
 Here is his version of two of Van Gogh's paintings. 
Sooo, today we had a lovely discussion about insanity, suicide, depression and art. Never in all my life would I have thought I would have a conversation like that with a (not-yet) 6 year old.
But then again, as I am trying to see the silver lining in life, I must admit it was the perfect segway into a discussion about the preciousness of life, the importance and sanctity of our bodies and the enjoyment that life can bring.

Afterward, Cache pointed out, "the best part is, people started liking his paintings and he became famous! He should have not shooted himself, but got rich and just bought a lot of paints."   To which I had to agree.

He then said, "I wish I could be Van Gogh and not have to go to school and just paint and then when school was over I would change back to me so I could eat lunch."

Oh, this kid....


akdoxey said…
I'm just catching up on your blog after a long drought. Wow- you guys have been busy!

The boys are all so big! Can't believe how much Kai and Levi look alike! You're looking so good!
Anonymous said…
Oh how I love that Cache!! I love his art work. I'm glad there's a silver lining and we still have him and his art and lunch! G in Utah

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