Ronin's Baptism

We are really proud of Ronin and his decision to get baptized. It was really his decision, because we kept asking him what he wanted to do. He said, "Do I have to?" We explained what it meant to choose to and for the most part we think he understood. Of course at that age, you don't understand the extent of what it means, but he was ready and happy to take the "plunge". 
 I was amazed at the change that came over him almost instantly. I could tell he felt different and he acted different for an entire week. I believe there really is a change that you go through when you take the Savior's name upon you and receive the Holy Ghost. It was an amazing experience and a sweet time that I will never forget. It actually helped my own testimony grow and for that I will forever be grateful to be a mother to this sweet boy. He has grown up so much and is now on the path through the next stage of his life. Learning and living the gospel one day at a time, just like the rest of us. He's an amazing kid and we earnestly hope and pray that he will continue to grow in his faith and choose the righteous path through life. He will bless many people in his life and it will be amazing to watch. We were blessed enough to have Grandpa in attendance and he gave them most sweet and beautiful talk. One that touched all who were there. We had some friends come where it was their first religious experience. They were all touched by the spirit and commented afterward about how the could see that a special thing had taken place. I am grateful for a father who has been faithful all his days and has blessed my life and continues to bless my children. It truly is a blessing to have righteous parents leading you in the right path, even when you don't want to listen to them most of the time. I owe my Heavenly Father everything for the life he has blessed me with. I only hope I can live up to the example of my parents. Dear Grandpa got to come to Singapore twice in one year! That's a lot of flight miles! We're grateful for his sacrifice to be there.

Congratulations to Ronin!


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