Singapore Art Festival

This June Ronin was out of school for term break. We had 4 weeks of time to fill. I wanted to go out and see the sights of Singapore. We did get in a few things but mostly the kids did crafts and swam in the pool. 
We did get down to see the Art Festival. Which was fun. Ronin took one of his friends from our complex.

He was born in Malaysia but his parents just moved here and became PR's (permanent residences). His mom just had a new baby too and they are just the sweetest family. We are glad to have them as our friends. On the MRT (subway) ride home they were saying how they wished they were brothers, so they could play together all the time. Then Ronin said, well we could be brothers, we kind of look the same!" I'm pretty sure the matching criteria was height and waist size, cause I'm just not seein' it.
They did some art projects that were set up with shipping containers used as the craft rooms.
This was one of the projects done outside in the heat. They loved it.
They hung around like the teenagers they wish they were. Taking cool photos and talking about Legos and Ninja stuff.
We met some other friends there too and had a fun time in the Tangle section of the festival. Each child was given a ball of string and you were to tangle each other up as much as possible. Just imagine 6 boys given this job. Talk about crazy, running, jumping, messy trouble.
Ronin's school also had their drama troupe perform. So we got to see them in action. It was.... interesting, to say the least. They wrote their own plays which is so great for creativity, but not so great for the audience enjoyment. The kids looked like they had a lot of fun performing but by the time it was over, we were ready to go. Of course we were meeting Patrick at the closest Wendy's for dinner and anytime you have a burger waiting for you, you better hurry on up!


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