My Thumb turned Green!

Check out what's growing in our yard. After last years battle between the tomato plants and 24 days of rain in June, we finally have some REAL live growing plants at our house this year:

The tomatoes are sprouting out everywhere. I am amazed that it all actually works and it comes from just a little seed. I have been watching the bees busily working all summer to make this plant really bloom. Truly this world is amazing!
We finally have some green peppers starting too. And for awhile I really thought it was a bust, but I remain surprised! I have never wanted to grow anything in my life and if you ask my MIL she will tell you how many of her plants I have killed. But finally having some success has brought about an obsession with gardening. I love it. I have ordered so many plant catalogs and can't stop reading them. Patrick says it seems like the most boring magazine to read, but I can't get enough of it. I can't wait to get my full garden going next spring!
And, check out who I saw watching us eat our dinner the other night. Hmmmm. It was 6pm and all I could think of was ticks and my beautiful plants that were eaten to nubs last year. Darn Deer. Go eat somewhere else!
Of course maybe I don't mind so much having my 'food storage' hanging out in my front yard. Someone get me my gun! ...Bwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhh!


Natasha said…
You make me laugh!! Get you a gun! hahahaha
Anonymous said…
WOW!!! He was kind of cute--don't you think!! You have done a beautiful job! Congratulations! Love, G in Utah

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