T-Ball Season

Welp, we finally took the plunge. We started T-Ball! We had to get permission to play in a league that plays on Saturday since the league boundaries that we live in only plays on Sunday. Ronin is beyond excited for all of it. He LOVES baseball. We practice almost every day in the yard. Plus his team practices on Tuesday and we had his first game this last saturday. Here he is warming the bench: 

Since we had to wait for permission, we signed up a bit late and he has yet to get his jersey. He was quite bummed out but once they started playing he forgot all about it. 
We picked him up some official baseball pants, cleats and even a little cup to wear. I thought that was silly and Ronin still doesn't understand what it's for, but the coach said he recommended it. And after seeing their first practice I can see why. It is total 5 year old MAYHEM out there! They tackle each other for the ball. Throw the ball without looking and generally have NO idea what they are doing. It's just about the most fun I have had watching something in a long time. There is no way you can stop from smiling watching them all out on the field running around like crazy. We got a lot of pictures of all the stages of the game. Here he is getting his batting stance set.
And then he was left to hit. I love the concentration in this picture. His little tongue is even sticking out. This was right before he hit the ball.
Then he had to RUN! And of course hold onto that monstrous-sized batting helmet while he did.
He is becoming a fast little runner. And again with the tongue! He worked so hard to round those bases. That kid is serious about speed.
Here he is bringing it home.  I just love to look at those little cleats. They are SO cute on him.
Every kid gets to bat and run all the bases. They also all get a chance at different spots in the field. While he was at the pitchers mound he tried out a few stances. He even kicked the dust off the plate and tried to look official. It was funny to watch. I love this shot. So professional.
Another stance they are working on... Baseball Ready! This one is perfect! It's such a joy to see how much he loves playing. 

I think we might have a Babe Ruth on our hands.


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