Ridin' Bikes

Patrick is finally back in town for a long stretch and we have been taking advantage of that and the great weather. I got hit with Strep last week so Patrick was care giver and fun finder for the week. The boys got out the bikes and headed to the park:

Gotta love those cowboy boots! They showed up on the scene when Ronin was 2. I sincerely hope Kai gets to wear them too. They are so darn cute.
Ronin now rides his bike sans training wheels. We can't believe he learned so fast. It took him one day of practice and he has it down. Of course its still scary and he only wants to ride where there is a lot of flat road and if he gets even close to something he starts to scream and practically jumps off the bike, but you know, at least there are no training wheels!  We are very excited that spring is finally here!


Kimberly said…
YEAH for Spring and Wheels and Dads.
linzi said…
Way to go, Ronin!!! And the boots are adorable :)

It looks like your weather is better than ours - we had snow again last night. I'm so ready for sun. And to see you guys! We can't wait!!!
Heather said…
Those boots are almost as cute as your little guys!

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